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Matching Travels, we specialize in providing top-quality excursions throughout Egypt at unbeatable prices. As a registered company (No. 8230), we take pride in offering memorable travel experiences that showcase the beauty and history of Egypt, from the pyramids of Cairo to the tranquil beaches of the Red Sea.


Company Name: Matching Travels

Legal Form: [e.g., Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Company Address:
North Hadaba, Building number 14, first floor, unit number 10,  al qamar st.
Hurghada, Egypt


Main Phone Number: +2 01000 732 590
Customer Service: +2 0100 882 80 44
Emergency Contact: +2 01000 732 590
Social / WhatsApp: +2 0100 882 6771
Land line: +2 065 344 3332

General Contact: info@matchingtravels.com

Customer Support: support@matchingtravels.com
Partnerships/Collaborations: partner@matchingtravels.com
Complaints: complaints@matchingtravels.com
Human Resources: Hr@matchingtravels.com


Represented by:
Mr. Mohamed Ghallab
Mr. Hassan Ghallab

Commercial Register:

VAT Identification Number:

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